A sign of maturity is the ability to stand on one’s own feet; and this is often proven by your having a steady income to spend for your own basic needs and wants. Having a stable job is everybody’s dream. For many, it means freedom from parental control; while for others, it means independence. But the dream we so desire can sometimes turn into a nightmare.
So much of the stress we suffer today are work-related. We spend most of our waking hours at work and we go home tired and exhausted every night without even enough time for ourselves and our loved ones. Can this ever be avoided? Is there such a thing as stress-free work or even just a pleasurable work? Here are some tips on overcoming stress in the workplace:
Find work that interests you
Before applying for a job, make sure you understand the demands and scope of the task at hand. Qualifications are not the only basis you need to considerin job hunting. You may find yourself qualified in many job offerings but you have to go beyond the present and imagine yourself 3 or 5 years onwards. Do you see yourself effectively working on the same job? See to it that the job you are applying for is the very thing that you want to do for the rest of your life. If not, look elsewhere for things that you would enjoy doing for years. It would be wiser to get only one job in your lifetime than to shift from one job to another without finding fulfillment in any of those jobs.
Love your work
If you missed the first tip and you have landed into a stable and high-paying job and you think you would lose much in leaving it, then you can still do something about your present situation. Learn to love what you are doing. Many of us succeed in the things we enjoy doing such as sports and hobbies. Our work can become pleasurable if we learn to find purpose in everything that we do. Although this may take some time to develop, the good news is it is possible.
Accept your boss
One of the many reasons for being stressed out at work is the way weperceive our bosses. Many of them are too demanding, domineering and cranky. Others impose unrealistic deadlines. We seem to be on our toes every time they are around and only tend to relax when they are gone somewhere. Most often, the problem lies in our perception of our bosses because we also have our own expectations for employers. We want them to be fair and understanding but we tend to forget that they are also human beings who are burdened with so much expectations and responsibilities. Remember, they too have their own doses of stress which are far heavier than our own.
Ignore gossip and competition
The worst enemy at work is the way we respond to gossip and competition among colleagues. Although this may sound childish, many of us become willing victims by succumbing to this type of peer pressure such that our attitude and work habits are affected. We tend to believe lies and waste our time feeling betrayed and dealt with unjustly by our own employers. Even by simply hearing and listening to the negative comments and complaints in the workplace can affect our performance which may even drive us to dread every moment we spend at work.
Have a thankful heart
Finally, be grateful for the work you have. The grass in the neighbor’s yard may appear greener but the attitude of your heart will change the way you look at your own situation. Learn to be thankful that you have your job; cultivate interest in every single task you are given by being creative and by making a difference in everything you do. Your efforts will not go unnoticed and you will be surprised that promotion is easier to get by having a positive attitude towards your work, you boss, and your colleagues.
You may ask me if I have proven all these tips? Well, I have just been through one job in twenty years and those years are enough to teach me all these. Try it and you will surely have a change in outlook and a lighter, more relaxed life.